BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Friday, April 9, 1824


Beethoven, enamored of the gold medal awarded to him by King Louis XVIII of France, thinks he want to put on it to the Akademie profit live performance. Karl says he “completely can’t put on the medal; its weight would pull your collar down.”

Karl appears to be like by way of both the soprano half, or the honest copy of the rating to the Ninth Symphony. Within the phrase “Úber sternen” at bars 749-752, in declamation the accent must fall on Sternen [stars.] Ludwig demonstrates to him three totally different settings of the phrase, inserting the emphasis barely in a different way every time.

Two settings of “Über sternen,” Dialog Guide 61, 6r (courtesy Berlin Staatsbibliothek)
Third setting of “Über sternen,” Dialog Guide 61, 6v (courtesy Berlin Staatsbibliothek)

Karl wants cash for rose water.

Uncle Ludwig begins drafting a letter to an unidentified Courtroom official, asking that his request for approval of his diploma from the Royal Swedish Academy of Music be supplied to the Emperor as quickly as potential. [This honor had been conferred in December of 1822, but Beethoven could not accept it without Imperial approval, and that approval has been stuck in bureaucracy for well over a year now.] Albrecht Letter 354.

Karl visits Gläser’s copying operations. Whereas there, he noticed there have been a number of copyists at work. “He have to be 80 years previous already.” [Peter Gläser was in fact younger than Ludwig, and only about 48, so Karl either is talking about someone else, or is grossly exaggerating Gläser’s age.] Karl tells his uncle that he understood that Ludwig needed sure passages written out extra clearly, and that’s what he did. Karl personally entered the articulation markings that had been lacking from the honest copy of the symphony, which had been performed by Paul Maschek and his copyists. By this level, Maschek appears to have been eradicated from the copying for the Akademie

Ludwig is worried that he has heard nothing extra from Carl von Odelga, the ambassador for Tuscany and Nassau about cost for the subscription to the Missa Solemnis. Karl says he’ll go to see Odelga on Sunday. “It have to be performed, although, in any other case they are going to maintain the Mass and ship nothing.”

Karl has been having a dispute with Brother Johann. Karl didn’t wish to go to the theater at present, as a result of he had issues to do. However Johann stated he actually needed to see Johann von Paris [an opera by François Boieldieu, which was performed at the Theater in the Josephstadt on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9.] The final efficiency most likely will happen after Easter.

Karl asks his uncle if he’s completed with proofreading. Ludwig says, no, not even shut. Karl replies, “Damnable work!”

Dialog Guide 61, 5v-7r.

Music writer Johann Cappi broadcasts the brand new publication of Carl Czerny’s newest work for piano 4 fingers, Ouverture brillante, op.54, in at present’s Wiener Zeitung at 356, for 3 and 1/2 florins W.W. Nevertheless, there isn’t a additional description of the piece, so we’re disadvantaged of the same old glowing prose about Czerny’s compositions. Czerny was in fact Beethoven’s former composition pupil.

Czerny’s Ouverture brillante, op.54 in B minor for piano 4 fingers is right here performed reside by Mirosława Sumlińska & Małgorzata Findysz:


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